Serving Innisfail, Olds, Penhold, Springbrook, Three Hills
& Surrounding Areas
Information Regarding Using Regulated or Approved Child Care
To learn about the Child Care Licensing Regulation and Family Day Home Standards Manual for Alberta, or to find more child care resources, visit the Alberta Children and Youth Services website.
When your child is ill...
A child care program must ensure they contact you (the parent or guardian) to arrange for the immediate removal of your child if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
Fever (a temperature greater than 38 degrees Celsius);
Diarrhea; and/or
A new and unexplained rash or cough.
Once sent home from the child care program, your child will not be allowed to return until the program receives a note from your child's physician or your child has been symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

A child care program is required to collect and maintain records on each child including:
The child's legal name, date of birth, and home address. The address provided must be for the child's primary residence;
A parent or guardians legal name, telephone number, and home address. The address provided must be for the parent or guardians
primary residence, and the telephone number must allow a child care program to reach a parent or guardian during the time their child is in attendance at the program;
An emergency contact's name, telephone number, and home address. The address provided must be for the contact's primary residence and the telephone number must allow a child care program to reach the emergency contact during the time the child is in attendance at the program. An emergency contact also must be able to reach the child's parents or guardians or arrange for the child to be picked up from the program when a parent cannot be reached;
The details about any medical conditions and health care required by the child, including immunizations and allergies; and
The details of the daily attendance of each child, including arrival and departure times.
This information can be used by a program to respond quickly to emergencies, incidents, or accidents involving children. Keeping accurate, complete, and current information will ensure that a program can reach a parent or guardian quickly.
Programs may request that you update the information on a regular basis.
If your child has an accident and is seriously injured while attending a program ...
A licensed or approved child care program must:
Call 911
Contact you (the parent or guardian) or the child's emergency contact immediately after calling 911; and
Report the injury to their local Child and Family Services (CFS).
The CFS may contact you (the parent or guardian) as part of their investigation into the incident.